With the name Izakaya Three Fish referring to Chef Paul Naugale and Travis Lang, and mixologist Maddie Honnold, this trio brings a unique dining experience unlike any most would expect in the smaller mountain town Bozeman, MT. From Wednesday to Friday nights, two sittings at 6 and 8 pm allow 10 people to taste 20 culinary creations from their imaginations. "The restaurant's logo features the Japanese kanji letter izakaya, the words for "stay, drink, and place." The style of the food served is in an omakase manner with the dishes chosen by the cook. Diners change when you step into Izakaya Three Fish. Immediately, the frenzied throbbing of the surrounding bars disappears, and the sensation of "Eastern meets the Cowboy." - Gems Hidden from the Sea at Izakaya Three Fish by Stella Fong for food and cooking in the Montana News. Izakaya is a type of informal Japanese bar that serves drinks and usually snacks. "Izakaya" is the combination of three kanji, which mean stay-drink-place. Omakase: a Japanese phrase used when ordering food that translates loosely to "I trust you. Please serve me your interpretation of my desires."